Friday, 15 June 2012

Cute Cats


I hope all the readers are feeling well today..Erm, as my new entry mention about cat..
All of u will know what is my story today about..Hmm, If I see cat image on fb or even the cat I found in road or market..They are really cute..hmm ( actually I am really miss my cat, Bella)...

Hmm.. we get many benefits if we keep a cat as our pet...Among the benefits are:-

Cats are faithful companions..
Cats are very loyal to his owner. It's good to be companions to their owners, not only during happy but remain on our side at a time when we are lonely or when we are in sadness time or even we can 'talk' with our cats and  express any problems and they was a good listener as they listen very faithful!

Loving cats and adorable..
Adorable cats will show their love towards its owner. Cats love to be treat nicely and  they love rubbing theirselves to its owner to show closer relationship between cat and owner. You will always be flooded with love and affection!

Haha..Look at this cat.. Cute right?...He said, I am very tired to pose...Can I get rest for a while?..

Cats are very good entertainer.
 Funny cat  very entertaining . Cats love to make things cute and funny like hiding in the box, hiding in the closet, playing with a tissue, jumping here and there, sleeping on the laptop, biting our fingers and so on. Sure you will be delighted with the funny cat behavior and can get rid of stress! As my cat, she love to sit at chair that can be folded that made up of metal.. I know, she loves to sit at it because the chair is very cold..and.... her fur was very thick.

Cats know how to make theirself clean
You don't need to bath your cat every day to make sure they are always in clean condition. Just look when they  eat, cat usually will lick his hand ( I am little confuse whether to use hand or feet) hehe.... Similarly, if their furs are dirty, the cat will lick its fur to clean.

Cats can reduce pest 
Cats are very good hunter. It catch many lizards, cockroaches and rats. Cats are the most appropriate instrument to reduce it (haha.. beside using insect spray). Most of the cats still hold to the original instinct of love to hunt and catch lizards and mice , as cat find it as an interesting game..

Cats does not need expensive care
Compared to other pets, cats are actually not expensive cost of the maintenance unless you want to provide expensive care for the cat to your cat. Basically, cats only have to be fed several times a day and the food can be purchased in bulk at the store in the form of cat food products, or you can just make its rice and fish dishes at home ( except my cat, Bella does not eat any food except cats food such as Smart Heart....Haha, she even does not have any apetite to taste our food..and most important, if any food was be eaten..Bella is not the one who can be blame.. In fact, she is not a stealer because she does not interested in fish or rice.. Haha.. how elite herself...I love u Bella..) Cats do not need a special bed because in general, they cat can sleep anywhere.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

La Tahzan..لا تحزن

 Jangan Bersedih

Hmm..janganlah terdetik dalam hati kita, rasa tidak puas hati atau mengeluh dengan takdir.. Erm, kadang kala tak semua perkara yang kita impikan akan berlaku seperti mana yang kita rancang.. kita jangan rasa hampa dan menyalahkan takdir atas perkara yang berlaku.. Kita hendaklah selalu mengingatiNya di kala senang atau susah.. Kerana di saat kita sedih, Dialah yang mampu mendengar rintihan hati kita.. Sesungguhnya kita sebagai manusia biasa tidak lari daripada melakukan kesilapan termasuk diri saya sendiri..Oleh itu, kita hendaklah memohon keampunan daripadanya... Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita hendaklah ada sifat percaya kepada qada' dan qadar...

Monday, 11 June 2012

Mata adalah anugerah..

            Mata adalah anugerah illahi yang terlalu besar nikmatnya bagi manusia. Oleh itu, kita sebagai hambanya haruslah menjaga mata kita dengan baik. Hal ini termasuk juga dengan menjaga penglihatan kita. Kita hendaklah menjaga penglihatan kita dengan melihat perkara-perkara yang baik seperti melihat kebesaran Allah melalui keindahan alam yang terbentang luas. Janganlah mensia-siakan anugerah yang diberikan oleh Allah S.W.T. Bagi yang sempurna penglihatannya, syukurilah nikmat ini kerana semua yang dikurniakan adalah pemberian yang Maha Esa.