Dear followers,
Hmm...quite a long time I didn't post anything...hmm act I am busy lately..nothing much to say.. I just can't sleep and try to find any interesting activities at this morning...haha xD...and my class start early..
Hmm..last night my roommate bought many food and we had a supper..woah..very delicious...our dishes are..noodle soup a.k.a bihun sup..haha.. xD..tiramisu cake and chocolate moist nice they are..(with eye blinking)..^_^
Thanks for this lovely supper..dear my roommate..a.k.a Yuki
hmm...I want to share something..
my mother's drawing...
Did u know who is it?..lets have a guess...
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Friday, 15 June 2012
Cute Cats
I hope all the readers are feeling well today..Erm, as my new entry mention about cat..
All of u will know what is my story today about..Hmm, If I see cat image on fb or even the cat I found in road or market..They are really cute..hmm ( actually I am really miss my cat, Bella)...
Hmm.. we get many benefits if we keep a cat as our pet...Among the benefits are:-
Cats are faithful companions..
Cats are very loyal to his owner. It's good to be companions to their owners, not only during happy but remain on our side at a time when we are lonely or when we are in sadness time or even we can 'talk' with our cats and express any problems and they was a good listener as they listen very faithful!
Loving cats and adorable..
Adorable cats will show their love towards its owner. Cats love to be treat nicely and they love rubbing theirselves to its owner to show closer relationship between cat and owner. You will always be flooded with love and affection!
Cats are very good entertainer.
Funny cat very entertaining . Cats love to make things cute and funny like hiding in the box, hiding in the closet, playing with a tissue, jumping here and there, sleeping on the laptop, biting our fingers and so on. Sure you will be delighted with the funny cat behavior and can get rid of stress! As my cat, she love to sit at chair that can be folded that made up of metal.. I know, she loves to sit at it because the chair is very cold..and.... her fur was very thick.
Cats know how to make theirself clean
You don't need to bath your cat every day to make sure they are always in clean condition. Just look when they eat, cat usually will lick his hand ( I am little confuse whether to use hand or feet) hehe.... Similarly, if their furs are dirty, the cat will lick its fur to clean.
Cats can reduce pest
Cats are very good hunter. It catch many lizards, cockroaches and rats. Cats are the most appropriate instrument to reduce it (haha.. beside using insect spray). Most of the cats still hold to the original instinct of love to hunt and catch lizards and mice , as cat find it as an interesting game..
Cats does not need expensive care
Compared to other pets, cats are actually not expensive cost of the maintenance unless you want to provide expensive care for the cat to your cat. Basically, cats only have to be fed several times a day and the food can be purchased in bulk at the store in the form of cat food products, or you can just make its rice and fish dishes at home ( except my cat, Bella does not eat any food except cats food such as Smart Heart....Haha, she even does not have any apetite to taste our food..and most important, if any food was be eaten..Bella is not the one who can be blame.. In fact, she is not a stealer because she does not interested in fish or rice.. Haha.. how elite herself...I love u Bella..) Cats do not need a special bed because in general, they cat can sleep anywhere.
I hope all the readers are feeling well today..Erm, as my new entry mention about cat..
All of u will know what is my story today about..Hmm, If I see cat image on fb or even the cat I found in road or market..They are really cute..hmm ( actually I am really miss my cat, Bella)...
Hmm.. we get many benefits if we keep a cat as our pet...Among the benefits are:-
Cats are faithful companions..
Cats are very loyal to his owner. It's good to be companions to their owners, not only during happy but remain on our side at a time when we are lonely or when we are in sadness time or even we can 'talk' with our cats and express any problems and they was a good listener as they listen very faithful!
Loving cats and adorable..
Adorable cats will show their love towards its owner. Cats love to be treat nicely and they love rubbing theirselves to its owner to show closer relationship between cat and owner. You will always be flooded with love and affection!
Haha..Look at this cat.. Cute right?...He said, I am very tired to pose...Can I get rest for a while?..
Cats are very good entertainer.
Funny cat very entertaining . Cats love to make things cute and funny like hiding in the box, hiding in the closet, playing with a tissue, jumping here and there, sleeping on the laptop, biting our fingers and so on. Sure you will be delighted with the funny cat behavior and can get rid of stress! As my cat, she love to sit at chair that can be folded that made up of metal.. I know, she loves to sit at it because the chair is very cold..and.... her fur was very thick.
Cats know how to make theirself clean
You don't need to bath your cat every day to make sure they are always in clean condition. Just look when they eat, cat usually will lick his hand ( I am little confuse whether to use hand or feet) hehe.... Similarly, if their furs are dirty, the cat will lick its fur to clean.
Cats can reduce pest
Cats are very good hunter. It catch many lizards, cockroaches and rats. Cats are the most appropriate instrument to reduce it (haha.. beside using insect spray). Most of the cats still hold to the original instinct of love to hunt and catch lizards and mice , as cat find it as an interesting game..
Cats does not need expensive care
Compared to other pets, cats are actually not expensive cost of the maintenance unless you want to provide expensive care for the cat to your cat. Basically, cats only have to be fed several times a day and the food can be purchased in bulk at the store in the form of cat food products, or you can just make its rice and fish dishes at home ( except my cat, Bella does not eat any food except cats food such as Smart Heart....Haha, she even does not have any apetite to taste our food..and most important, if any food was be eaten..Bella is not the one who can be blame.. In fact, she is not a stealer because she does not interested in fish or rice.. Haha.. how elite herself...I love u Bella..) Cats do not need a special bed because in general, they cat can sleep anywhere.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
La Tahzan..لا تحزن
Jangan Bersedih
Hmm..janganlah terdetik dalam hati kita, rasa tidak puas hati atau mengeluh dengan takdir.. Erm, kadang kala tak semua perkara yang kita impikan akan berlaku seperti mana yang kita rancang.. kita jangan rasa hampa dan menyalahkan takdir atas perkara yang berlaku.. Kita hendaklah selalu mengingatiNya di kala senang atau susah.. Kerana di saat kita sedih, Dialah yang mampu mendengar rintihan hati kita.. Sesungguhnya kita sebagai manusia biasa tidak lari daripada melakukan kesilapan termasuk diri saya sendiri..Oleh itu, kita hendaklah memohon keampunan daripadanya... Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita hendaklah ada sifat percaya kepada qada' dan qadar...
Hmm..janganlah terdetik dalam hati kita, rasa tidak puas hati atau mengeluh dengan takdir.. Erm, kadang kala tak semua perkara yang kita impikan akan berlaku seperti mana yang kita rancang.. kita jangan rasa hampa dan menyalahkan takdir atas perkara yang berlaku.. Kita hendaklah selalu mengingatiNya di kala senang atau susah.. Kerana di saat kita sedih, Dialah yang mampu mendengar rintihan hati kita.. Sesungguhnya kita sebagai manusia biasa tidak lari daripada melakukan kesilapan termasuk diri saya sendiri..Oleh itu, kita hendaklah memohon keampunan daripadanya... Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita hendaklah ada sifat percaya kepada qada' dan qadar...
Monday, 11 June 2012
Mata adalah anugerah..
Mata adalah anugerah illahi yang terlalu besar nikmatnya bagi manusia. Oleh itu, kita sebagai hambanya haruslah menjaga mata kita dengan baik. Hal ini termasuk juga dengan menjaga penglihatan kita. Kita hendaklah menjaga penglihatan kita dengan melihat perkara-perkara yang baik seperti melihat kebesaran Allah melalui keindahan alam yang terbentang luas. Janganlah mensia-siakan anugerah yang diberikan oleh Allah S.W.T. Bagi yang sempurna penglihatannya, syukurilah nikmat ini kerana semua yang dikurniakan adalah pemberian yang Maha Esa.
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Assalamualaikum, Did u all in good condition? I hope all of u in a pink of health...hmm.. let's start to see my stories... As u know, I really love drawing.. I love all type of drawing including anime, manga, potrait n everything... hmm, at this holiday moment, I decided to improve my potrait drawing.. hmm... actually I am not a person who really expert in potrait..but I try to make my drawing as the best as I could.. This is my potrait drawing... Can u guess who is it?..haha..XD just try...
This is my potrait, can u guess who is it?...
This is my potrait, can u guess who is it?...
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Saya sayang Cikgu..
16 Mei- Tarikh ini amat bermakna bagi saya kerana tarikh ini adalah hari guru. Sebagaimana yang kita tahu, guru-gurulah insan yang berada di sebalik kejayaan setiap pelajar itu. Tanpa jemu, mereka mengajar kita dengan penuh ikhlas dan dedikasi demi mendidik anak bangsa.
Kita haruslah menghargai jasa guru kita, kerana mereka adalah insan mulia. Guru adalah individu yang telah mencurahkan ilmu untuk kita agar kita berjaya dan menjadi insan yang berguna pada masa hadapan.
Tidak terbalas jasa guru yang sanggup berkorban, guru ibarat lilin yang menerangi orang lain. Oleh itu, kita haruslah berusaha untuk mencapai kejayaan agar mereka berasa lega dan gembira kerana usaha mereka dalam mendidik kita berhasil.
Akhir kata, Terima kasih cikgu, semoga kehidupanmu dilimpahkan rahmat dan juga kesihatan yang baik. Jasamu dan juga pengorbananmu akan ku kenang sepanjang hayat.
Ini adalah gambar saya bersama guru saya iaitu Cikgu Fadilah dan Cikgu Fatimah.
Ucapan: Selamat Hari Guru diucapkan kepada mereka berdua juga tidak lupa kepada semua insan yang bergelar guru.Terima kasih kepada semua guru yang mengajar saya.
16 Mei- Tarikh ini amat bermakna bagi saya kerana tarikh ini adalah hari guru. Sebagaimana yang kita tahu, guru-gurulah insan yang berada di sebalik kejayaan setiap pelajar itu. Tanpa jemu, mereka mengajar kita dengan penuh ikhlas dan dedikasi demi mendidik anak bangsa.
Kita haruslah menghargai jasa guru kita, kerana mereka adalah insan mulia. Guru adalah individu yang telah mencurahkan ilmu untuk kita agar kita berjaya dan menjadi insan yang berguna pada masa hadapan.
Tidak terbalas jasa guru yang sanggup berkorban, guru ibarat lilin yang menerangi orang lain. Oleh itu, kita haruslah berusaha untuk mencapai kejayaan agar mereka berasa lega dan gembira kerana usaha mereka dalam mendidik kita berhasil.
Akhir kata, Terima kasih cikgu, semoga kehidupanmu dilimpahkan rahmat dan juga kesihatan yang baik. Jasamu dan juga pengorbananmu akan ku kenang sepanjang hayat.
Ini adalah gambar saya bersama guru saya iaitu Cikgu Fadilah dan Cikgu Fatimah.
Ucapan: Selamat Hari Guru diucapkan kepada mereka berdua juga tidak lupa kepada semua insan yang bergelar guru.Terima kasih kepada semua guru yang mengajar saya.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Cinderella's Feet Vs My Feet
Cinderella's feet VS my feet
To spend my sem holiday break, I decided to find new shoes to replace my old one..Oh no.. I know it's hard to find my admirable shoes...not because I am too particular about the pattern but it is hard to suit my feet...I mean my feet size...That makes my mind think of Cinderella tiny pretty feet... I wonder if I could have such a small feet like her... ^_^ .. But I am grateful with what I have..
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Selesai sem 2
dah selesai sem 2
pejam celik pejam celik dah nak masuk part 3 dah
doakan yg tbaik utk saya...
hmm, cuti ni plan nak jumpa Sh.Ili n Farah
moga plan kali ni menjadi...
dah selesai sem 2
pejam celik pejam celik dah nak masuk part 3 dah
doakan yg tbaik utk saya...
hmm, cuti ni plan nak jumpa Sh.Ili n Farah
moga plan kali ni menjadi...
Friday, 2 March 2012
Owh my dear MKT assignment,,
Hmm....sorry my blog....i leave u many days...because i'm too busy with a lot of my lecturer said, it is normal, that students does not have enough sleep...hmm...i feel very relief now because i already done my MKT going smoothly..I'm just hope for the best.... I giving my best towards this presentation...of course, honestly the MKT assignment is a quite tough for our task is to create a new product under an existing company...Hmm..ok, my group create a product under goodmaid company that is BIO-ECOZY 'TURBO EXPERT IRONING' is a product that can help us ironing our cloth easily...
Hmm....sorry my blog....i leave u many days...because i'm too busy with a lot of my lecturer said, it is normal, that students does not have enough sleep...hmm...i feel very relief now because i already done my MKT going smoothly..I'm just hope for the best.... I giving my best towards this presentation...of course, honestly the MKT assignment is a quite tough for our task is to create a new product under an existing company...Hmm..ok, my group create a product under goodmaid company that is BIO-ECOZY 'TURBO EXPERT IRONING' is a product that can help us ironing our cloth easily...
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
~Law Kana Bainana~
Apakah yg dimksdkan dgn law kana bainana?...Ayat ini bererti..Bagaimana sekiranya Nabi Muhammad berada dengan kita?....Hmm, saya dapat tahu tentang maksud ayat ini apabila menghadiri program di UiTM yg b'tajuk ada apa dengan cintamu...Tajuk forum ini menyingkap rasa cinta yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi Muhammad kepada umatnya serta agama Islam..
Sebagaimana yg kta tahu, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W adalah kekasih Allah yang sangat mulia..sangat mengasihi umatnya sehingga akhir nafas.. baginda masih menyebut ummati~ummati~ummati...umatku,umatku,umatku sehingga akhir nafasnya, begitulah sayangnya Rasulullah kepada umatnya iaitu kita...
Jadi seharusnya kita mengikut segala contoh mulia daripada baginda..kita hendaklah mengamalkan sunnah beliau...Mengucapkan selawat ke atas baginda..kerana baginda adalah kekasih Allah yang mulia...Justeru itu, renung-renungkan...bagaimana sekiranya Nabi Muhammad berada dengan kita?..
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
~An Apple a day keeps the doctor away...~
Why eating an apple? between red and green, I think some of us prefer red apples because it is sweeter than green apples because it is more sour. Despite the sour taste, green apples provide beneficial for our health.
Benefits of Green Apple...
- It reduces the bad cholesterol of the body.
-It diminishes the risks of heart attacks and illnesses to the heart.
-It helps to control the cholesterol levels, protecting the cardiovascular health
-It improves the health of the lungs, since he promotes a better condition of it membranes.
-It improves the health of the bones, for his high content in boron, an important mineral for the bony system.
-It helps to support the corporal weight and to slim, grants few calories.
-It reduces the asthmatic stress.
-it helps to prevent the cancer, because of it antirust properties.
-Desintoxicar to the organism.
-It improves the appearance of the skin.
-prevent constipation.
-They can eat the entire fruit or drink their juice, but green apples remembers that they must always be well washed and to eat them with rind, since it is there where there are located most of its essential nutrients.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
why the number of followers still the same?...
Huhu...why the number of my followers still the same?...haha XD...I don't know why?...Hmm, for quite long time I did not write anything at my, I am...come back with new hope..that I will improve my writing in my blog..hmm...what is the new story since i didn't update any story in my blog..actually, I'm quite busy nowadays...sorry dear followers, hmm...a lot of assignments to do... My group already present our CTU(Islamic) presentation...Alhamdulillah, I really relieved...Hmm, as usual my interest is still in drawing so I draw a new drawing...take a look at it...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Kekeluargaan dalam Islam.. usual all university need us to choose any cocurricular activities right?..yeah so am I..I choose <Family in Islam HKR 111>hmm...yeah I think this is the most enjoyable cocurricular because its just need us to attend the class and learn all abt family in this coco, we need to do some group assignment..the topic is a very interesting topic, which is my group get POLIGAMI topic ...ahahaXD...don't get shock because we need to present it in front of our class..last presentation is was on preparation before getting married....ahaha...XD...hmm 4 my presentation I suddenly got idea to draw this pic and put it in our slide presentation...

Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Hmm,Tahun baru ni ingat nak improve la BI skit, So, may I try write this blog with english for a while,Hmm, nothing much I can write today but I have some few story to tell about, Today, as usual, I got class,yeah of course Tuesday. First I attend the eco class, we study, revise and do tutorial practice with my pretty lecturer Miss Linda . Of course we need to do many practices and revision for our test next week. Hope I do well in my test. ^_^ pray for me...
Hmm,Tahun baru ni ingat nak improve la BI skit, So, may I try write this blog with english for a while,Hmm, nothing much I can write today but I have some few story to tell about, Today, as usual, I got class,yeah of course Tuesday. First I attend the eco class, we study, revise and do tutorial practice with my pretty lecturer Miss Linda . Of course we need to do many practices and revision for our test next week. Hope I do well in my test. ^_^ pray for me...
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Today is the new year of 2012. I hope all activity in my daily would be going through smoothly in this year, haha..Apsal cakap english tiba-tiba plak ni. Hmm, hr ni ada klas akaun, miss ada bg tutorial hr tu sblm cuti, bincang dengan member kt library, alhamdulillah faham. Haha, yang akaun tu buat soalan LIFO n FIF0. Lepas balik kelas akaun tu tak pergi mana-mana, dok bilik dan melukis guna komputer sebab bosan time tu. Ni la hasilnya,
So, kalau sesiapa yang minat melukis ni, boleh la jadi follower saya (promote la pulak) =_= .Bolehla kita bertukar-tukar pendapat mengenai lukisan dan apa-apa yang ingin dikongsikan. Ok, setakat ini sahaja, bubbye, Tata
*Inilah lukisan saya
So, kalau sesiapa yang minat melukis ni, boleh la jadi follower saya (promote la pulak) =_= .Bolehla kita bertukar-tukar pendapat mengenai lukisan dan apa-apa yang ingin dikongsikan. Ok, setakat ini sahaja, bubbye, Tata
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