Thursday, 26 January 2012

why the number of followers still the same?...

Huhu...why the number of my followers still the same?...haha XD...I don't know why?...Hmm, for quite long time I did not write anything at my, I am...come back with new hope..that I will improve my writing in my blog..hmm...what is the new story since i didn't update any story in my blog..actually, I'm quite busy nowadays...sorry dear followers, hmm...a lot of assignments to do... My group already present our CTU(Islamic) presentation...Alhamdulillah, I really relieved...Hmm, as usual my interest is still in drawing so I draw a new drawing...take a look at it...


  1. aww darling,u need to blog walking more heee :3
    visit and follow and they might follow you back :)
    And check out some cool blog templates to make your blog beautiful! :D
    you are such a talented artist!

  2. Followers? Let them come naturally :3
    Do your best for your next assignments and presentations!
    Wanita solehah ea? Auuum! Bibir merah menyala! Pija ka apa? xD

  3. owh...thanks for ur advice...huhu..but when I already follow their blog...but they does not follow my's very sad u know...huhu..^_^

  4. Dear ili, silap pilih warna bibir kot...lain kali kna guna warna lembut kot...ini bukan kategori pija la...huhu..

  5. Don't hope for them to follow you back and they will follow you.
