Tuesday, 31 January 2012

~An Apple a day keeps the doctor away...~

Why eating an apple? between red and green, I think some of us prefer red apples because it is sweeter than green apples because it is more sour. Despite the sour taste, green apples provide beneficial for our health.

Benefits of Green Apple...

- It reduces the bad cholesterol of the body.

-It diminishes the risks of heart attacks and illnesses to the heart.

-It helps to control the cholesterol levels, protecting the cardiovascular health

-It improves the health of the lungs, since he promotes a better condition of it membranes.

-It improves the health of the bones, for his high content in boron, an important mineral for the bony system.

-It helps to support the corporal weight and to slim, grants few calories.

-It reduces the asthmatic stress.

-it helps to prevent the cancer, because of it antirust properties.

-Desintoxicar to the organism.

 -It improves the appearance of the skin.

-prevent constipation.

-They can eat the entire fruit or drink their juice, but green apples remembers that they must always be well washed and to eat them with rind, since it is there where there are located most of its essential nutrients.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

why the number of followers still the same?...

Huhu...why the number of my followers still the same?...haha XD...I don't know why?...Hmm, for quite long time I did not write anything at my blog...here, I am...come back with new hope..that I will improve my writing in my blog..hmm...what is the new story since i didn't update any story in my blog..actually, I'm quite busy nowadays...sorry dear followers, hmm...a lot of assignments to do... My group already present our CTU(Islamic) presentation...Alhamdulillah, I really relieved...Hmm, as usual my interest is still in drawing so I draw a new drawing...take a look at it...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Kekeluargaan dalam Islam..

hmm..as usual all university need us to choose any cocurricular activities right?..yeah so am I..I choose <Family in Islam HKR 111>hmm...yeah I think this is the most enjoyable cocurricular because its just need us to attend the class and learn all abt family in Islam...hmm...in this coco, we need to do some group assignment..the topic is a very interesting topic, which is my group get POLIGAMI topic ...ahahaXD...don't get shock because we need to present it in front of our class..last presentation is was on preparation before getting married....ahaha...XD...hmm 4 my presentation I suddenly got idea to draw this pic and put it in our slide presentation...


Tuesday, 3 January 2012


Hmm,Tahun baru ni ingat nak improve la BI skit, So, may I try write this blog with english for a while,Hmm, nothing much I can write today but I have some few story to tell about, Today, as usual, I got class,yeah of course Tuesday. First I attend the eco class, we  study, revise and do tutorial practice with my pretty lecturer Miss Linda . Of course we need to do many practices and revision for our test next week. Hope I do well in my test. ^_^ pray for me...

Sunday, 1 January 2012


     Today is the new year of 2012. I hope all activity in my daily would be going through smoothly in this year, haha..Apsal cakap english tiba-tiba plak ni. Hmm, hr ni ada klas akaun, miss ada bg tutorial hr tu sblm cuti, bincang dengan member kt library, alhamdulillah faham. Haha, yang akaun tu buat soalan LIFO n FIF0. Lepas balik kelas akaun tu tak pergi mana-mana, dok bilik dan melukis guna komputer sebab bosan time tu. Ni la hasilnya,

*Inilah lukisan saya

    So, kalau sesiapa yang minat melukis ni, boleh la jadi follower saya (promote la pulak) =_= .Bolehla kita bertukar-tukar pendapat mengenai lukisan dan apa-apa yang ingin dikongsikan. Ok, setakat ini sahaja, bubbye, Tata
